Try in Splunk Security Cloud


The following hunting analytic identifies EventCode 3000 in Application channel indicating a process exit. This behavior is based on process names being added to the Image File Execution Options under HKLM \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ and \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SilentProcessExit. Once these are set for a process, an eventcode 3000 will generate. The example used is from Thinkst Canary where a CanaryToken is setup to monitor for a commonly abused living off the land binary (ex. Klist.exe) and generate an event when it occurs. This can be seen as settings traps to monitor for suspicious behavior. Monitor and tune this hunting analytic and setup traps across your organization and begin monitoring.

  • Type: Hunting
  • Product: Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Enterprise Security, Splunk Cloud

  • Last Updated: 2022-09-08
  • Author: Michael Haag, Splunk
  • ID: f7abfab9-12ea-44e8-8745-475f9ca6e0a4




ID Technique Tactic
T1546.012 Image File Execution Options Injection Privilege Escalation, Persistence
Kill Chain Phase
  • Exploitation
  • Installation
  • DE.AE
  • CIS 10
`wineventlog_application` EventCode=3000 
| rename param1 AS "Process" param2 AS "Exit_Code" 
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by Process Exit_Code dest 
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
| `windows_event_triggered_image_file_execution_options_injection_filter`


The SPL above uses the following Macros:

:information_source: windows_event_triggered_image_file_execution_options_injection_filter is a empty macro by default. It allows the user to filter out any results (false positives) without editing the SPL.

Required fields

List of fields required to use this analytic.

  • _time
  • Process
  • Exit_Code
  • dest
  • EventCode

How To Implement

This analytic requires capturing the Windows Event Log Application channel in XML.

Known False Positives

False positives may be present and tuning will be required before turning into a TTP or notable.

Associated Analytic Story


Risk Score Impact Confidence Message
25.0 50 50 Windows eventcode 3000 triggered on $dest$ potentially indicating persistence or a monitoring of a process has occurred.

:information_source: The Risk Score is calculated by the following formula: Risk Score = (Impact * Confidence/100). Initial Confidence and Impact is set by the analytic author.


Test Dataset

Replay any dataset to Splunk Enterprise by using our tool or the UI. Alternatively you can replay a dataset into a Splunk Attack Range

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